Songs and Psalmody
The Shorey Psalter
The Psalms mean much to me, and I’ve given much effort to putting them to music so they can be sung. An actual collection of my Psalter is in the works and will appear at a later date. What is here now will undergo much change in that process, but this section will give an idea of what may be ahead. The goal is to improve singability and lyric quality while staying true to the text of the Psalms. Please pray that this effort will meet with success.
It was the spring of 1990—about 31 years ago at this moment. I was recovering from a bout with viral meningitis that would leave me with what is now a 31-year-long headache (about which you may read in my book, 30/30 Hindsight: 30 Reflections on a 30-Year Headache). While recovering from meningitis, I was too feeble to budge very much from my big chair, but my mind wanted to worship. That was when I tried my hand at something I had done little to none of before: putting Scripture to music. Specifically, I wanted to help my church learn to sing the Psalms (since, after all, they form the original hymnbook of the church). But in order to sing the Psalms, they needed to be put to familiar music. So I began to write lyrics which followed the words of each Psalm pretty closely, setting them all to familiar tunes. My efforts led to a complete “Shorey Psalter” which our church sang through twice. No one will ever read or sing… Read More
Latest Psalms
A Psalter Pause
A Psalter Pause If you’ve been looking for the latest additions to the Shorey Psalter, we’ve had to be on pause for a bit. Our psalter team has run into a season of excessive busyness and...
Psalm 24 – The King of Glory
“’Who is this King of glory?’ is a question full of meaning and worthy of the meditations of eternity. Who is he in person, nature, character, office and work? What is his pedigree? What...
Psalm 23
Reading: Psalm 23 Our Comments: Few of the psalms are more well known than, or affecting as, Psalm 23. People by the many millions the world over have either read or heard these comforting...
Psalm 22 (pt.2) – I Will Declare Your Name O Lord
Reading: Psalm 22 Our comments: This is Part 2 of our arrangement of Psalm 22. For the full effect those following along may wish to return to last week’s post to review (and perhaps...
Psalm 22: My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me
Reading: Psalm 22 Spurgeon Comment: “This is beyond all others The Psalm of the Cross. It may have been actually repeated word by word by our Lord when hanging on the tree; it would be too...
Psalm 21: “O Lord, Your Strength Has Made Me Glad”
Today’s Reading: Psalm 21 Spurgeon Comment: “A Psalm of David. Probably written by David, sung by David, relating to David, and intended by David to refer in its fullest reach of...
Psalm 20 – May the Lord Answer While in Your Distress
Today’s Reading: Psalm 20 Spurgeon Comment “If David had not been vexed with wars, we might never have been favored with such psalms as this. [Sometimes] there is a need for the trials of...
Psalm 19 – The Heavens Tell of the Glory
Today’s Reading: Psalm 19 Spurgeon Comment “In his earliest days the psalmist, while keeping his father's flock, had devoted himself to the study of God's two great books—nature and...
Psalm 18:43-50: “The Triumph of the King”
Devotional Psalm 18, which has moved from confidence in God to cries for justice now ends on a high note; a celebration of victory and deliverance by the sovereign hand of God. It also...
Psalm 18:31-42 – For Who is God Except the Lord
Reading: Psalm 18:31-42 Cardiphonia:* Having expressed his simple faith in Psalm 18:1-6, God’s powerful response in Psalm 18:7-19, and then again his confidence in God’s vindicating...
Psalm 18:20-30: “The Lord Rewards the Righteous”
Reading: Psalm 18:20-30 (suggested to review 1-19) (No Spurgeon quote) Cardiphonia:* In this third section of Psalm 18, the mood changes again as the sacred hymn-writer expounds the final...
Psalm 18:7-19: “The Mountains Felt a Mighty Shock”
(no Spurgeon quote) Cardiphonia* There is a sudden change of mood in this second section of Psalm 18. The tender tone of verses 1-6 gives way to a resounding, even thunderous sound in...