by Timothy Shorey | Dec 30, 2020 | The Christian Life, Youth
(Part 3 of a twice-a-month series aimed at teens, twenty-somethings, and old folks like me.) Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:11 Help in the Middle of Meaninglessness Ecclesiastes and I go way back to 1986, when I was 27. Within a two-year span back then, thirteen people...
by Timothy Shorey | Dec 26, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
Reading: Psalm 22 Spurgeon Comment: “This is beyond all others The Psalm of the Cross. It may have been actually repeated word by word by our Lord when hanging on the tree; it would be too bold to say that it was so, but even a casual reader may see that it might have...
by Timothy Shorey | Dec 24, 2020 | Apologetics, Theology
There can be no denying that the birth of Jesus through the humble virgin named Mary ranks as a miracle of the first order. That a child could be conceived without two parents is not the way it normally happens! But that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have...
by Timothy Shorey | Dec 19, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
Today’s Reading: Psalm 21 Spurgeon Comment: “A Psalm of David. Probably written by David, sung by David, relating to David, and intended by David to refer in its fullest reach of meaning to David’s Lord. It is a fit companion to Psalm 20, and is in its...
by Timothy Shorey | Dec 16, 2020 | The Christian Life, Youth
Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1-14 Zeno Zapped I don’t like riddles. My brain freezes over when someone zings me with a confusing question with no easy answer. Zeno, on the other hand, loved riddles. He’s a dead guy from over 2,000 years ago; a really smart Greek geek who...