by Timothy Shorey | Oct 24, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
Today’s Reading: Psalm 17 Spurgeon Comments: “…To behold God’s face and to be changed by that vision into his image, so as to partake in his righteousness, this is [the psalmist’s] noble ambition; and in the prospect of this he cheerfully waives all [his]...
by Timothy Shorey | Oct 21, 2020 | The Christian Life
Announcing a Cure If I were a medical researcher and came upon a sure-fire cure for COVID, I would be responsible to let people know. What good is a cure if people don’t know about it? Pandemics are not the time for secrets, or false modesty. In fact, it would be...
by Timothy Shorey | Oct 17, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“Who is Psalm 16 about? We are not left to human interpreters for the key to this golden mystery, for, speaking by the Holy Ghost, Peter tells us, ‘David speaks concerning him’ (Acts 2:25.) Further on…he said, ‘Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the...
by Timothy Shorey | Oct 14, 2020 | The Christian Life
Where’s Elliot? If you have never left a child behind, then you are a better parent than me. Our third son, Elliot, was about 11 when I took him to a basketball game in which his brother Joel was playing. My role was to corral and coach a dozen junior-high guys, with...
by Timothy Shorey | Oct 10, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“‘Yahweh, o high and holy One, who shall be permitted to have fellowship with you, who are a consuming fire?’ A humble sense of God’s glory and holiness awakens the theme of Psalm 15 in the psalmist’s heart. If angels bow with veiled faces, how shall man be able to...