by Timothy Shorey | Jul 15, 2020 | Biblical Studies, The Christian Life, The Church
I cannot recall a time in my ministry during which so many different opinions were believed so strongly, felt so deeply, and argued so strenuously. Waves of opinions and perspectives keep crashing all around, leaving me desperate for some good firm footing on a strong...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 11, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“Let us [through this psalm] here recall…the innumerable host which beset our Divine Redeemer. The legions of our sins, the armies of [demonic] fiends, the crowd of bodily pains, the host of spiritual sorrows, and all the allies of death and hell, set themselves in...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 8, 2020 | Biblical Studies, The Christian Life, The Church
The Sweet and the Sour When it comes to sweet and sour chicken, I am a fan; although I’ve never actually made it myself. As many would know, my relationship with food is pretty straightforward: I am a consumer, not a producer. I demand. Others supply. All with a...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 4, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“We shall not greatly err in our summary of this sublime psalm if we call it The Psalm of Messiah the Prince; for it sets forth, as in a wondrous vision, the tumult of the people against the Lord’s anointed, the [decisive] purpose of God to exalt his own Son,...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 1, 2020 | Biblical Studies, The Christian Life, The Church
When Times Are Hard It is tempting when times are hard, when wounds are deep, and when differing perspectives have evolved over many generations of distance, ignorance, and even belligerence, to think that God’s precepts for relationship no longer apply. It’s easy to...