His Way with Words
In Search of the Eternal Buzz
Bumper Sticker Philosophy Some of you are way too young to remember when bumper stickers were popular. When I was younger, you could tell a lot about the person driving a car by the...
The Beloved House of God
Two events coincided in our church this past Sunday. First, our recently homeless five-year-old church met indoors and in person for the first time in 52 weeks. Second, this was our first...
War, Peace and Holy Communion
Instead of an additional blog post this week, please check out my most recent article published by The Gospel Coalition. It addresses the crisis of conflict in the church today and the...
Dazzling Our Kids with God
The Psalmist calls upon parents and grandparents to “tell to the coming generations the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done…that they should set...
Wind-Chasers and Worshipers (6): Living with Mystery
Things We Cannot Understand We’ve been thinking about the futility of “Whyning”—the universal human impulse to ask Why about life’s painfully confusing and seemingly senseless mysteries....
A Christian Witness in a Watching World
The Worst of Times? It was among the worst of times. Paul wrote his letter to Titus around 65AD, when Nero was emperor—a ruler who, along with predecessors like Caligula, would make former...
Aiming for God’s way through human words

His Way with Words offers occasional (due to sickness and journal keeping) perspectives that are relevant for our times. In it I try to express His (God’s) way—as best I can understand it—with my words. Disclaimer: the opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily the opinions of my pastors or any other partners in ministry. I am solely responsible for everything on this site.