Books by Timothy M. Shorey

Respect the Image

The Communion Truce

30/30 Hindsight

An ABC Prayer to Jesus

Worship Worthy 

Tim’s books can be purchased through the links provided below.


Respect the Image

Reflecting Human Worth in How We Listen and Talk

We humans talk a lot, so you’d think we’d be good at communicating with one another. But we’re not. And the result is hurt, misunderstandings, frustration, division, and sometimes all-out war. Yet whether we’re trying to repair a relationship, interact on social media, or understand someone whose beliefs differ from our own, there is hope in that the people around us bear God’s image. As we learn to treat them accordingly, our communication will become a powerful means of showing God’s love to them. Laying out eleven key principles for loving conversation, RTI guides readers to a memorable, scriptural approach to communication that can transform relationships.

“A focused and helpful plea for greater listening and learning in all our relationships.”

—Ruth Naomi Floyd, Vocalist; Lecturer on African-American Spirituals and Resident Artist, Temple University


“Expertly crafted, this rich biblical treatment of relational and racial unity is a blessing and an encouragement.”

—Diane Hunt, Counselor; Editor and Coauthor, Crossing the Jordan

“Helps us all precisely because Tim aims to make every truth transformative and every story connect to the truth.”

—Jeffrey S. Black, Professor and Chair of the Department of Counseling and Psychology, Cairn University

“I love this book by Tim Shorey! An excellent guide to communication and relationships, packed full of wisdom. The application for politics and ethnic understanding is especially valuable. This morning I was rereading favorite chapters, including ‘Nourish with Grace,’ ‘Celebrate Others,’ and ‘Think the Best.’”

—Jared Mellinger, Pastor, Covenant Fellowship Church, Glen Mills, PA, Author of Think Again: Relief from the Burden of Introspection and A Bright Tomorrow: How to Face the Future without Fear.

Review by Mike Seaver, Lead Pastor at Risen Hope Church

“On an average year, I read between forty and sixty books. Usually, there are one or two of those books that go on my “Reread” list. These are the books that were so meaningful and well written, that I want there teaching and training to inform a later season in my walk with God. Tim Shorey’s Respect the Image is one such book.

Tim writes with a unique style and a winsome quality that makes reading enjoyable. I’m not sure it would matter the topic to draw the reader in, but focusing on “reflecting human worth in how we listen and talk” is a fascinating topic in a cultural moment where many are running in opposite directions when it comes to political, social, and racial debates. Tim’s pastoral experience of planting a multi-ethnic church give an add a layer of the necessity, urgency, and wisdom of followers of Christ learn how to listen well. Hard and awkward conversations are necessary if we are going to love others the way Christ did.

Tim Shorey takes us by the hand to center us on the Gospel and then clarifies how the Gospel informs every part of the communication process in all spheres of life and relationship. His chapter by chapter acrostic of C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-E slows you down to consider many of the complex dynamics that go into conversations, but also the joyful privilege of never speaking with a mere mortal.

The book ends with an Appendix called “G.R.A.C.E and Race Conversations: Guidelines for Difficult Group Discussions.” Simply put: It is a goldmine. Our church has already used these guidelines in our own racial reconciliation work in Charleston, SC.

Respect The Image will serve my church family and I think it will benefit yours as well. Put it on your list to read and then put it on your list to re-read.”

RELEASED February 14, 2023

The Communion Truce

How Holy Communion Addresses our Unholy Conflicts

Christians everywhere recognize the value of Holy Communion as a reminder of what Jesus has done. But in The Communion Truce: How Holy Communion Addresses Our Unholy Conflicts we see that Jesus intends that the meal does more than just remind.

In these divisive and rancorous days—and as we see the Day of the Lord approaching—The Communion Truce helps us understand that participating in Communion is not for when every believer gets along and shares everything in common, but for when we don’t—so that, by the power of the gospel, we can.

Endorsers and Endorsements

“…In his short but supremely helpful book, The Communion Truce, Tim Shorey makes the compelling case that the Lord’s Supper—reverently approached and regularly practiced—has great unifying potential for our divided congregations….!  —Brett McCracken, senior editor, The Gospel Coalition; author, The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World

“…This little book has a big punch, and compelled me to pause in prayer, reflection, and confession as I read—I believe it will do the same for you.” —Amy DiMarcangelo, author, A Hunger for More: Finding Satisfaction in Jesus When the Good Life Doesn’t Fill You, and Go and Do Likewise: A Call to Follow Jesus in a Life of Mercy and Mission.

“The Communion Truce is an encouraging reflection on the sweet seriousness of the Lord’s Table…Tim has served the church well in this short, edifying book. May we all grow in taking the supper of the Lord in a manner increasingly worthy of Him.” —Brian Davis, Church Planter, Exalting Christ Church

“…Clearly written, thoroughly biblical, and inspiring in its vision, The Communion Truce deserves wide and deep application in our churches.” —Jonathan K. Dodson, founding pastor of City Life Church, author of Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Our Good Crisis and The Unwavering Pastor. Founder of Gospel Centered Discipleship ministry 

“I was both inspired and convicted by “The Communion Truce.” Tim powerfully draws the reader back to the power of Holy Communion as a vehicle for uniting believers…The Communion Truce” has inspired me to recover the centrality of the Agape Feast in our gatherings. I pray that Tim’s call to returning to this gift, passed down from our Lord, will bring our churches back from division to radical love and unity.” —Tom Sparling, founding and lead pastor, The Journey Community Church, Worcester, MA)


An ABC Prayer to Jesus

Praise for Hearts both Young and Old

(We’re thrilled to announce that An ABC Prayer to Jesus: Praise for Hearts Both Young and Old is now an award-winning children’s book.  An ABC Prayer is a very simple, but affecting children’s version of my Worship Worthy: Alliterative Adoration. It is a theologically rich, but simply expressed A to Z prayer (and song) of childlike praise. An ABC Prayer combines a lyrical prayer-praise text that can be sung to the tune of the Doxology, along with beautiful illustrations (not to mention some enjoyable seek and find fun). 

You can get your copy—and maybe one for your grandchildren by clicking the link below:

Here’s what people are saying about the book:

“Second place in the Christian non-fiction children’s category.” – The Advanced Writers and Speakers Association 

“I will look forward to using this delightful new tool with the children in our life.  I love the strong theology and the book’s singability!  Thank you for writing it!”  Jani Ortlund, who leads Renewal Ministries with her husband Ray

“I am really grateful for Pastor Tim’s work on this award-winning project…I appreciate how purposeful, beautiful and worshipful these pages of poetic prayer truly are.  And I had absolutely no idea it contained a ‘look and find’ section in the back additional fun!  I highly recommend this treasure as an addition to any family library.”  Christine Chappell author and outreach director for The Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship

“A beautiful, biblically rooted, creative book for kids (and their parents!). Theologically sound and engaging, these twenty-six brief four-line verses explode with gospel meaning. It’s impossible to say how many fruitful conversations will happen as moms and dads unpack these truths with their young ones. I plan to read it to my grandkids!” –Bob Kauflin, singer, songwriter

“Thank you, thank you for the privilege of reading An ABC Prayer to Jesus. I really love it. Your writing is so deep, rich, winsome and readable. My spirit soared as I read.”—Susan Hunt, author of Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God

“An ABC Prayer to Jesus combines truth and art masterfully through carefully woven words that introduce our children to the Savior. Not to be read once and put aside, this poem calls out to be recited time and again, affecting generations with its truth.”—Marty Machowski, author of The Gospel Story for Kids series, The Gospel Story Curriculum, and The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New

“Tim Shorey and Dan Lee have given us and our children a delightfully engaging book, both visually and lyrically. It brings together a careful attention to biblical truth with a heartfelt desire for children and their parents to marvel at the beauty of God and his great love for us. I can’t wait to have grandkids so I can sit and read this with them!”—Mike Bullmore, Senior Pastor, Past professor of homiletics and pastoral theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“An ABC Prayer to Jesus is pithy, profound poetry that praises God by using analogy after analogy to reflect back to him his glorious character. It will give intentional parents and grandparents new opportunities to ‘tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord . . . so that they [may] set their hope in God’ (Psalm 78:4, 7).”—Larry E. McCall, author of Grand-parenting with Grace: Living the Gospel with the Next Generation

“In An ABC Prayer to Jesus, Tim Shorey, an experienced pastor and author, helps children of all ages grow in the knowledge of God’s Word with beautiful and understandable words. Reading good theology in poetry form will help your child expand their reading horizons and provide another tool for their growth in grace. I encourage parents to get this new resource and to tell their friends about it.”   –Dave Jenkins, Executive Director, Servants of Grace Ministries, Executive Editor, Theology for Life





RELEASED January 23, 2019

30/30 Hindsight

30 Reflections on a 30-Year Headache

Here’s something I bet many of you wish you could say: I’ve only had one headache in the past 30 years. No lie. Just one headache in all those years! The trouble is that as of January 11, 2019, I have had that one headache for all those years. Every day, all-day with neither stop nor break nor relief. 30/30 Hindsight: 30 Reflections on a 30-Year Headache is a brief account of those years.

Aiming for brevity and simplicity, each reflection in this book is crafted into a 500 word reading. The goal is not to replace or even match more profound and comfort-rich books on suffering, but to be a whispering echo to their thundering truth. Perhaps through the experience of one, there might be grace for many. Perhaps in reading how another pilgrim through this hurting world has made it this far, sojourners like you might be encouraged to keep on going, yourself. Such is the hope and prayer with which this book has been written. 

30/30 Hindsight may be purchased directly from the author. Please email with questions.


“With an honesty that is refreshing and insightful, Tim gives us a sneak peak into a little discussed and very unpopular topic in our culture. Most would do just about anything to avoid suffering, but Tim offers a perspective that can’t be ignored. His walk with the Lord continues to teach him how to respond to suffering, not just react. He seamlessly relates scripture to the realities of this life. No matter what level of pain we experience in this life, his reflections give us insight into how to suffer well while we wait to hear “Well Done!” —Dionne

“I have read lots of books that are for people who suffer in different areas of life, but this book is by someone who has been, and still does, suffer daily. He speaks from the heart and it resonates. He does not try to give you a how-to-not-suffer formula, but instead shares the lessons he is learning from 30 years of a continual headache. I am going to share it with several friends. All pastors should have one for their bookshelves, to read and to share with their congregations.” —Wendy

“Looking for insight into living with NDPH and this has been invaluable. Just ‘celebrated’ my 2nd year of the same headache and have been looking for answers both physical and spiritual for what seems unbearably frustrating at times. Tim successfully shares his experience in a real way and after reading has given me a better perspective from someone who has traveled miles further than me. More importantly, he adds perspective from someone who has traveled further than him. With that said, this is a great booster shot for anyone going through a daily challenge be it physical or spiritual. It is NOT platitudes with rose colored glasses, he keeps it real from the highs to the lows which can happen daily. You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate the humor and advice. Highly recommend – it is a fast read and laid out in 30 concise chapters. Very well distilled, unlike this review ;)’ —US67 Engineer

Worship Worthy

Alliterative Adoration

I wrote my initial draft of Worship Worthy in 26 days, as 26 consecutive Facebook posts. Inspiration was drawn from three sources. It began with a winsome model, Psalm 119; which is a marvelous piece of alliterative poetry. There are twenty-two sections in the Psalm, corresponding to the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet in which it was originally written. Each section is headed by a succeeding letter of the alphabet, and, to top it off, each verse in each section begins with that letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This shows us that whether for beauty’s sake alone, or as a memory aid (the motive is likely both), alliteration is a winsome divinely-inspired, God-sanctioned artistic teaching device. 

I was also affected by a wondrous title. Jesus is called “the Alpha and Omega” (Revelation 1:8); Alpha and Omega being the Greek equivalents to our “A” and “Z”. This wonderful title declares the stunning truth that Jesus is sovereign over history; the cause and climax of it all. This became my motivation to adore from A to Z.

And finally, my inspiration derived from a wonderful Person. Once my heart was taken up into the duo-theme of the Person and Work of Christ, I did not want to stop. When “Z” arrived my heart sank. But then it occurred to me to turn my rather hastily crafted Facebook entries into something more substantial and enduring. This book is the result.

Worship Worthy may be purchased directly from the author. Please email with questions


“Thank you, thank you for the privilege of reading your manuscript. I really love [it]. Your writing is so deep, rich, winsome and readable. My spirit soared as I read” —Susan Hunt, author of Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God and My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God’s Word in Little Hearts.

“…I think this is brilliant work. This correlates with a recent rising appreciation for spoken-word and hip-hop in the YRR world, and in the wake of that trend I think there’s a new appreciation for quick, punchy biblical truth like this very thing…Bottom line: I love this, brother” —Tony Reinke, Senior Writer for Desiring God Ministries, author of Twelve Ways Your Phone is Changing You and Lit! A Christian guide to Reading Books.

“While no one can improve upon the gospel, we can tell it in ways that helpfully highlight its bold beauty, lavish love, matchless mercy, and all-surpassing power. Tim Shorey has done just that in Worthy Worship, a book I am delighted to recommend both for the mind and the heart. Through the effective and creative use of alliteration, Tim enables us to see connections in the gospel story that we might have missed or become familiar with. As a result, you’ll be drawn to a fresh appreciation for God’s mercy and grace that have come to us in Jesus Christ. Whether you read it to learn or be inspired, Worthy Worship is sure to feed and encourage your soul”
—Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music, author of Worship God.

“We can often gain new appreciation for truth when it is presented in a fresh way…Tim uses alliteration to describe the glories of Christ, which I have never seen anyone else do. Some of Tim’s writings are set to poetic meter; others are free-flowing, yet the alliteration gives it all a poetic effect. As a pastor, Tim packs a lot of wonderful biblical truth into these elegant pieces, which will help you meditate on the glories of our Savior in a unique way” —Mark Altrogge, Pastor, Songwriter.