Do you have your go-to parts of God’s Word? I do. For comfort, there’s Isaiah 40. For identity in Jesus, there’s Ephesians 1–3. To see Christ’s majesty, there’s Hebrews 1. For a heavenly...
The Christian Life
Job’s Groan for Justice
“From out of the city the dying groan, and the soul of the wounded cries for help; yet God charges no one with wrong” (Job 24:12). Job’s complaint reflects what is often our perception of...
Nakushi No More: How Christ Changes Our Name
In certain parts of India, many girls have been given the name Nakushi. It’s a name some parents gave newborn girls when they were hoping for a boy instead. Local superstitions say that if...
How to Disagree to the Glory of God
I learned today that my friend Joel recently passed away. Years ago, Joel and I pastored different churches, but we enjoyed a decades-long partnership in ministry. Joel let our young...
A Pauline Principle to Help You Avoid Reactive Theology
Just because one man hits his thumb with a hammer, that doesn’t mean hammers should be outlawed. Hammers are still useful for striking nails. We need not recall the world’s accelerators...
God Dwarfs the Nations
"This article was first published by the Gospel-Centered Discipleship ministry." By one account, there were twenty nations already at war before Russia made it twenty-two. This latest...
Aiming for God’s way through human words

His Way with Words offers perspectives that are relevant for our times. In it I try to express his (God’s) way—as best I can understand it—with my words. Disclaimer: the opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily the opinions of my fellow elders. I am solely responsible for everything on this site.