People choose strange names for their children. From the silly (I know of a girl born on the way to the hospital who was named “Carsita”), to the dark (like the son who was called “Adolf...
The Christian Life
“Wind-Chasers and Worshipers: Getting Started”
Getting Started There are two groups in the world: wind-chasers and worshipers. Those that grasp at empty air, and those who seek God. I’m sorry, but there aren’t any other options. And...
Restarting a Conversation about Holiness
Talking about Holiness Robert Murray McCheyne was a 19th century pastor noted for his personal holiness. In his devotional meditations, which are fragrant with the love of Christ, he...
Some Thoughts for Young People Who Don’t Know Who They Are
Zits, Bullies, and Sea Gulls Junior high wasn’t fun for me. Kids loved to mock my thirteen-year-old 6'4" clumsy, weirdly-put-together body. On top of my much-larger-than-average body was a...
The Art of L-evation: Helping to Extinguish Our Hellish Racial Fires
Wielding a Kitchen Extinguisher Back in 1999, our wood stove overheated, igniting our fireplace wall. While we waited for hose-bearing firefighters to arrive, my then 16-year-old son and I...
Eight Relational Bridges in the Election Aftermath
This past Sunday I delivered a message to my flock before the election with no knowledge of the outcome, to prepare us to respond to the election whatever the outcome. Here were my points,...
Aiming for God’s way through human words

His Way with Words offers perspectives that are relevant for our times. In it I try to express his (God’s) way—as best I can understand it—with my words. Disclaimer: the opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily the opinions of my fellow elders. I am solely responsible for everything on this site.