-I have read the Bible from one end to the other at least 30 times. -I have studied the Bible deeply for 45 years. -I have researched it from cover to cover on numerous hard issues. -I...
Cultural and Biblical Justice
O My Aching Heart
As I sit in my living room chair this morning, and await with prayerful dread the impending verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial, and—whatever the verdict—its inevitable effects upon the...
God Relents when Man Repents
Hope for Our Nation Sometimes the sheer wonder of God’s mercy is too much to fathom—but there is joy in trying! We can easily feel it when considering Jonah’s foot-dragging missionary...
A Christian Witness in a Watching World
The Worst of Times? It was among the worst of times. Paul wrote his letter to Titus around 65AD, when Nero was emperor—a ruler who, along with predecessors like Caligula, would make former...
Assume You Are Wrong
(The following is adapted from Respect the Image: Reflecting Human Worth in How We Listen and Talk, by Timothy M. Shorey, P&R Publishing, 2020, 163-177—and first appeared as an article...
Headline News
I’m a headline reader. I have neither the time, nor the capacity or inclination to pour through the daily news and read multiple reports on all manner of news items that other people think...
Aiming for God’s way through human words

His Way with Words offers perspectives that are relevant for our times. In it I try to express his (God’s) way—as best I can understand it—with my words. Disclaimer: the opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily the opinions of my fellow elders. I am solely responsible for everything on this site.