Psalm 18 – An Introduction

Today’s Reading: Psalm 18:1-50/focus on Psalm 18:1-6 (Sorry: no Spurgeon quote today) Cardiphonia:* We come today to the first of the longer prayer-songs in The Book of the Psalms. For the sake of clarity of content, suitability of tune (for each section) and overall...

Psalm 16 – Pleasures Forever

“Who is Psalm 16 about? We are not left to human interpreters for the key to this golden mystery, for, speaking by the Holy Ghost, Peter tells us, ‘David speaks concerning him’ (Acts 2:25.) Further on…he said, ‘Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the...

The Psalms: Who Are They About and For?

Interrupting Our Regularly Scheduled Post [The following is excerpted from a longer article, “Seeing Christ in the Psalms”. This is offered today in place of our next Psalter installment to help believers read (and sing) the Psalms to greater effect. God-willing,...

Psalm 14 – “From Out of Zion”

 “You will find this same psalm over in Psalm 53, with hardly any alteration. Why is this? Did the Holy Spirit take such special notice of the sayings and deeds of a fool, that one expression of them was not enough? Or are the babblings and madness of a fool so...