by Timothy Shorey | Aug 8, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“From the [Psalm’s] title we learn the occasion of the composition of this song. It appears probable that Cush the Benjamite had accused David to Saul of treasonable conspiracy against his royal authority. This the king would be ready enough to [believe], [because of]...
by Timothy Shorey | Aug 1, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“This Psalm is commonly known as the first of the Penitential Psalms, (the other six are 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143) and certainly its language well becomes the lip of a penitent, for it expresses at once the sorrow, (verses 3, 6, 7), the humiliation (verses 2 and 4),...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 25, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“There are two sorts of prayers—those expressed in words, and the unuttered longings which abide as silent meditations… David, we observe, uses both modes of prayer, and craves for the one a hearing, and for the other a consideration. What an expressive word!...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 18, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“Sweet Evening Hymn! [The psalmist says] I shall not sit up to watch through fear, but I will lie down; and then I will not lie awake listening to every rustling sound, but I will lie down in peace and sleep, for I have [nothing] to fear…Better than bolts or bars is...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 11, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“Let us [through this psalm] here recall…the innumerable host which beset our Divine Redeemer. The legions of our sins, the armies of [demonic] fiends, the crowd of bodily pains, the host of spiritual sorrows, and all the allies of death and hell, set themselves in...
by Timothy Shorey | Jul 4, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“We shall not greatly err in our summary of this sublime psalm if we call it The Psalm of Messiah the Prince; for it sets forth, as in a wondrous vision, the tumult of the people against the Lord’s anointed, the [decisive] purpose of God to exalt his own Son,...