Today’s Reading: Psalm 21
Spurgeon Comment:
“A Psalm of David. Probably written by David, sung by David, relating to David, and intended by David to refer in its fullest reach of meaning to David’s Lord. It is a fit companion to Psalm 20, and is in its proper position next to it. Psalm 20 anticipates what Psalm 21 considers realized. If we pray today for a benefit and receive it (as in Psalm 20) we must, before the sun goes down, praise God for that mercy (as in Psalm 21)…This has been called David’s triumphant song…‘The king’ is most prominent throughout, and we shall read it to true profit if our meditation of [Christ] shall be sweet while perusing it. We must crown him with the glory of our salvation; singing of his love, and praising his power. The next psalm (Psalm 22) will take us to the foot of the cross, this introduces us to the steps of the throne.” (C.H. Spurgeon)
Our Devotional
Psalm 21 is a celebratory response that happens when the prayer of Psalm 20:4 is answered (see Psalm 21:1-2). When God gives us our deepest spiritual desires there is joy in the hart and praise on the lips! Psalm 20 is a prayer for God’s blessing on us and others. Psalm 21 is the response when that blessing comes!
We should also notice in Psalm 21 that this psalm can be sung from three perspectives: (1) from David’s perspective as the author who had been blessed by God, (2) from the perspective of any and all believers who have been blessed and know that the enemies of their souls will be defeated, and (3) from the perspective of God’s Messiah, the Son of David, whom God the Father has exalted and blessed above all others!
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