“Unable to express the glory of God, the Psalmist utters a note of exclamation. ‘O LORD, our Lord!’ We need not wonder at this, for no heart can measure, no tongue can utter, the half of the greatness of [Yahweh]. The whole creation is full of his glory and radiant with the excellency of his power; his goodness and his wisdom are manifested on every hand. The countless myriads of terrestrial beings, from man the head, to the creeping worm at the foot, are all supported and nourished by the Divine bounty. The solid fabric of the universe leans upon his eternal arm. Universally is he present, and everywhere is his name excellent. God works ever and everywhere. There is no place where God is not. The miracles of his power await us on all sides… God is here in a thousand wonders…Borrow the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the sea, and [behold] God is there!” (C.H. Spurgeon)
Cardiphonia: This Psalm is about Yahweh—the Majestic God. It is also about Jesus—the majestic God-Man. And it is about us—who are made in the image of God and are being led to glory in Jesus (Hebrews 2:5-10). Jesus cites Psalm 8:1b as a prediction of the children’s “Hosanna praise!” on Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:14-16). Because Hebrews 2 tells us this Psalm finds its fulfillment in Jesus and that we are promised to share in Christ’s exalted glory, themes from the Hebrews passage have been blended in to stanza 4 of our composition.
* This term is derived from two Greek words—one meaning heart and the other meaning sounds or utterances. Thinking that he wouldn’t mind, I’ve borrowed the term from John Newton (author of Amazing Grace—and creator of his own hymnbook back in his 18th century days) to label my devotional reflections in which I share sounds and thoughts from my own heart that are prompted by each of the psalms—and the King whom they reveal. I hope that my Cardiphonia will be filled with personal hints for the life of faith, as well as observations about Jesus as well; both for your blessing, and for mine.
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