I’m not sure how many people this affects, but for however many or few of you there are, I want to explain my blog intermittence in recent weeks; which will continue in coming months. You may not have even noticed, but my posts have slowed to a crawl of late. This is because there are two God-given opportunities to which I think he wants me to devote my writing energy.
First, I have become a fairly frequent contributor to such ministries as The Gospel Coalition, Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Servants of Grace, and Samaritan Ministries—with more articles forthcoming. It seems wise to continue to utilize these platforms in order to reach a wider audience than what my blog can reach. If the Lord wants me to keep writing—as I have been encouraged to do—then I need to share whatever he gives me with as many as possible.
I will still blog as I think the Lord gives me something to say, but it’ll be far less frequently. That said, I hope to post links to all my articles on my site, as they are published by others. That way, interested readers can keep as current as they’d like.
Secondly, I’m also in process of submitting a proposal for a new book to publishers who have expressed willingness to take a good look. The preliminary title for this book is A Culture of Blessing: Learning How to Say Hello and Goodbye All Over Again. It will take a fresh look at the thoroughly biblical custom of greeting each other with blessings and leaving each other with benedictions; and at the spiritual and relational impact that this custom releases into our lives.
You may not have given this much thought—for how many believers have?—but there is something beautiful and transformative that happens when we say hello and goodbye with grace. Through a cover-to-cover search of Scripture I have found nearly 200 times when blessings and benedictions are recorded, commended, and/or commanded. That’s a pretty big number—too big to ignore. I am very convinced that God has something here that we need to see.
I’ll be aiming for a mid-length book that will explore (and I hope, recover) the life-blessing and relationship-nourishing practice of blessings and benedictions, not merely as formal beginnings or endings to public worship, but as a new way of life.
That may sound like I’ll be trying to sell you something (some quack’s magical relationship incantations to fix all our relationships!), but I won’t be. Words of blessing do not have magical powers, but they do have power, when sincerely offered. And I think that when people see how prominent and beautiful this practice is in God’s Word, it may affect them way beyond their expectations.
But hey. I’ve got to write the book to make that case. So please pray—in fact please pray a blessing—on my efforts in coming months. Book-writing is an intense, sometimes exhausting labor of love—and I am hoping that both the labor and the love will have the Father’s smiling favor upon it!
I’ll keep you posted!
One more thing: would you please do me a mighty big favor by passing the word about my previous books? I don’t have any agent or publicity agency or big-budget line item for promotion of my books. It’s mostly about word-of-mouth and occasional social media updates. Your shout-outs would go along way toward getting these books out far and wide!
–Respect the Image: Reflecting Human Worth in How We Listen and Talk
–An ABC Prayer to Jesus: Praise for Hearts Both Young and Old
–30/30 Hindsight: 30 reflections on a 30-Year Headache
–Worship Worthy: Alliterative Adoration
Any positive recommendations you can make to family, friends, and neighbors would be greatly appreciated!
May the Lord bless you and keep you!