by Timothy Shorey | Nov 7, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
(no Spurgeon quote) Cardiphonia* There is a sudden change of mood in this second section of Psalm 18. The tender tone of verses 1-6 gives way to a resounding, even thunderous sound in verses 7-19. When the psalmist cries out to God for his help and deliverance, God...
by Timothy Shorey | Nov 6, 2020 | The Christian Life
This past Sunday I delivered a message to my flock before the election with no knowledge of the outcome, to prepare us to respond to the election whatever the outcome. Here were my points, and I stand by them—even as the vote count continues—in the face of all kinds...
by Timothy Shorey | Nov 4, 2020 | Cultural and Biblical Justice, The Christian Life
(about 800 words to help start your post-election life) The Man Who Vanquished the Gladiators It was around 400AD, and the Roman Empire was in decline, though its sinful indulgences continued unabated. Among these were the barbaric gladiator “games” held in various...
by Timothy Shorey | Oct 31, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
Today’s Reading: Psalm 18:1-50/focus on Psalm 18:1-6 (Sorry: no Spurgeon quote today) Cardiphonia:* We come today to the first of the longer prayer-songs in The Book of the Psalms. For the sake of clarity of content, suitability of tune (for each section) and overall...
by Timothy Shorey | Oct 30, 2020 | Devotional Reflections, The Christian Life, The Church
Whose prayer life matters most? The sirens are blaring outside at this very moment. As I sit here at home, situated on the doorstep of Philadelphia—a town currently reeling over the police shooting of a young mentally-ill black man, and some violence and looting in...