God Dwarfs the Nations

God Dwarfs the Nations

“This article was first published by  the Gospel-Centered Discipleship ministry.” By one account, there were twenty nations already at war before Russia made it twenty-two. This latest aggression has produced daily heart-numbing scenes of death and...

The Just-Right Justice of God

“I just can’t believe in a God who would send people to hell.” “Doesn’t the reality of hell mean that God isn’t loving?” “How is it fair for God to send people to hell forever?” “What about those who have never heard of Jesus? How is hell fair for them?” “How can you...

Love Biblical Theology

I love biblical theology (the study of each book of the Bible and its context within the whole Bible), which interprets God’s self-revelation through the sacred unfolding storyline of Scripture. I love how it traces God’s holy love for us in Christ from eternity past;...

Somebody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen

Ten years ago I had a headache specialist who had all the empathy skills of a frozen tuna. Even worse, he rebuked me for my long-term condition. It’s no fun telling an alleged medical healer you’ve had a nonstop, two-decade-long headache (now three), been to many...