by Timothy Shorey | Jun 24, 2020 | Mission and Missions, The Christian Life
Facing the Stairs How must a little child feel when seeing a high imposing staircase standing between where he is, and where he (or she) wants to be? How daunting the challenge to make such little legs ascend such high steps for what looks like forever! To infinity...
by Timothy Shorey | Jun 21, 2020 | Devotional Reflections, The Christian Life
This is not a post about politics. It’s about people. And pardon. The Bible is full of accounts of people—really sinful people by the way—who humbled themselves and experienced immediate and full forgiveness from the LORD. True humility. Instantaneous forgiveness. ...
by Timothy Shorey | Jun 21, 2020 | Cultural and Biblical Justice, Grace and Race
As I have stated elsewhere, our church’s “mission statement”—which is simply our way of putting a biblical gospel mission into our own words—is: “Worshiping God and welcoming all, with gospel truth and neighbor love.” That fits well with this current Servants of Grace...
by Timothy Shorey | Jun 12, 2020 | Devotional Reflections
A guide to a life of prayer prepared I. Introduction I created this guide for prayer (complete with its format oddities) many years ago with the hope that it would help believers develop a true prayer walk. This booklet is designed to provide a guide for prayer that...
by Timothy Shorey | May 29, 2020 | Songs and Psalmody
“[The blessed one] is not under the law as a curse and condemnation, but he is in it, and he delights to be in it as his rule of life. He delights, moreover, to meditate in it, to read it by day, and think upon it by night. He takes a text and carries it with him all...